Ultimate Guide to Linux Disk Usage: Sorting Files and Directories by Size

Learn how to analyze and manage disk space in Linux by sorting files and directories by size using du, sort, and automation scripts.

Managing disk space efficiently is a crucial responsibility for IT professionals, whether dealing with personal servers, enterprise-level data centers, or cloud-based infrastructures. As storage demands continue to grow, identifying and managing large files and directories becomes essential to prevent performance degradation and unexpected outages.

One of the most effective tools for analyzing disk usage in Linux is the du (disk usage) command. It allows users to inspect how much space files and directories consume, enabling better storage management and optimization.

This comprehensive guide will explore how to sort files and directories by size using command-line utilities such as du, sort, and find. Additionally, we’ll cover automation techniques with Bash scripting, focusing on both basic and advanced use cases. This guide applies to Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8/9, Oracle Linux 8/9, Ubuntu Server, and other Linux distributions.

By the end of this article, you will have a deep understanding of disk space analysis, allowing you to efficiently track down large files, automate disk usage reports, and integrate these techniques into your IT operations.

Sorting Files and Directories by Size

Understanding the du Command

The du command provides information about file and directory sizes, helping you identify storage hogs. By default, du recursively calculates the size of each directory and its contents.

Basic Syntax:


Key options:

  • -h : Human-readable format (e.g., KB, MB, GB)
  • -s : Summarize total size of a directory
  • -a : Show sizes for all files and directories
  • -c : Display a grand total
  • -d N : Limit output depth to N levels
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Sorting Files and Directories by Size

Sorting in Ascending Order (Smallest to Largest)

To list files and directories in ascending order based on size:

du -h /path/to/directory | sort -n

Here, du -h generates a human-readable output, and sort -n ensures numerical sorting.

Sorting in Descending Order (Largest to Smallest)

For descending order sorting:

du -h /path/to/directory | sort -nr

Adding -r reverses the sort order, placing the largest items at the top.

Sorting and Displaying Top 10 Largest Directories

du -ah /path/to/directory | sort -rh | head -n 10

The head -n 10 ensures that only the top 10 results are displayed.

Automating Disk Usage Reports with Bash Scripts

To streamline disk management, we can automate disk usage reporting with a Bash script that sorts directories by size and emails the report.

Basic Disk Usage Report Script


# Define target directory

# Generate report
echo "Disk Usage Report for $target_dir" > disk_report.txt
du -ah $target_dir | sort -rh | head -n 20 >> disk_report.txt

# Display the report
cat disk_report.txt

This script sorts the /var/log directory by size and displays the 20 largest files and directories.

Advanced Disk Usage Report with Email Notification


# Define variables
recipient="[email protected]"

# Generate sorted disk usage report
du -sh $target_dir/* | sort -rh > $output_file

# Send email with the report
echo "Disk usage report attached." | mail -s "Disk Usage Report" -a $output_file $recipient

# Cleanup
rm -f $output_file

This script generates a CSV report and emails it to an administrator, ideal for system monitoring automation.

Real-World Use Cases

1. Identifying Large Log Files for Cleanup

Using du -sh /var/log/* | sort -rh, system administrators can pinpoint oversized log files that need rotation or deletion.

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2. Monitoring and Managing Disk Quotas

Automated scripts can periodically check /home directories, ensuring users do not exceed storage limits.

Example Command:

du -sh /home/* | sort -rh | head -n 10

3. Integrating with Configuration Management Tools

Scripts can be incorporated into Ansible, Puppet, or Chef for automated monitoring and disk space remediation.

Example Ansible Task:

- name: Check disk usage and alert
  command: du -sh /var/log/* | sort -rh | head -n 10
  register: disk_usage_output

- name: Send alert email
    subject: "Disk Usage Alert"
    body: "{{ disk_usage_output.stdout }}"
    to: [email protected]

4. Automated Cleanup for Temporary Files

Using find /tmp -type f -size +100M -exec rm {} \;, unnecessary large temporary files can be removed automatically.

Example Cleanup Script:

find /tmp -type f -size +100M -exec rm {} \;
echo "Deleted large temporary files."


Sorting files and directories by size is a fundamental skill in Linux system administration. Whether you need to identify storage bottlenecks, automate disk usage reporting, or integrate with configuration management tools, mastering du, sort, and Bash scripting will help optimize system performance and prevent storage issues.

By applying the techniques in this guide, IT professionals can:

  • Efficiently track large files and directories
  • Automate disk usage monitoring and reporting
  • Improve system performance and disk management practices
  • Integrate disk usage monitoring into IT automation workflows

Implement these strategies today to enhance your Linux administration skills and ensure efficient disk space management!

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