How to Find Files in Linux

In Linux, finding files is a common task for system administrators and software developers. Whether you’re searching for a specific file or looking for all files that match a particular pattern, Linux provides powerful command-line tools to help you quickly locate the files you need. In this blog post, i will share some of the most commonly used commands for finding files in Linux.

Step-by-Step Guide:

1. Using the find command:

The find command is a powerful utility for searching for files in Linux. The basic syntax of the find command is as follows:

# find [path] [expression]

For example, to find all files with the .txt extension in the current directory and its subdirectories, you can use the following command:

# find . -name "*.txt"

The “.” specifies the current directory as the starting point for the search, and “-name” specifies that we’re searching for files with the .txt extension.

Real life find command Example:
Suppose you want to find all PHP files that were modified in the last 24 hours in the /var/www/html directory. You can use the following command:

# find /var/www/html -name "*.php" -type f -mtime -1

This command will search for all files with the .php extension that are regular files and have been modified in the last 24 hours.

2. Using the locate command:

The locate command is another useful utility for finding files in Linux. It searches a pre-built database of file names and can quickly locate files that match a particular pattern. To use the locate command, simply enter the following command:

# locate [pattern]

For example, to find all files that contain the word “example” in their file name, you can use the following command:

# locate example

Real life locate Command Example:
Suppose you want to locate all index.html files in the /var/www/html directory and its subdirectories. You can use the following command:

# locate /var/www/html/index.html

This command will search for all files named index.html under the /var/www/html directory and its subdirectories.

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3. Using the grep command:

The grep command is a powerful utility for searching for patterns in files. It can be used to search for files that contain a particular pattern. To use the grep command, you can enter the following command:

# grep [pattern] [file]

For example, to find all files that contain the word “example” in their content, you can use the following command:

# grep -r "example" /path/to/search

The “-r” option specifies that we want to search recursively in the specified directory and all its subdirectories.

Real life Grep Command Example:
Suppose you want to find all files in the /var/www/html directory and its subdirectories that contain the string “Hello World”. You can use the following command:

# grep -r "Hello World" /var/www/html

This command will recursively search for all files in the /var/www/html directory and its subdirectories that contain the string “Hello World”.


Finding files in Linux is a fundamental task for system administrators, and mastering the command-line tools such find, locate, and grep commands as and techniques for searching for files can save time and effort when dealing with system issues or maintenance tasks and help us manage the linux server more efficiently.

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