How to Do Performance & Load Testing Using JMeter

Learn how to conduct performance and load testing with JMeter. Step-by-step guide to optimize your app’s speed and reliability.

Performance and load testing are critical components in the software development lifecycle, ensuring your applications can handle high traffic without compromising on performance. Apache JMeter is one of the most widely used tools for this purpose, offering robust features to simulate real-world user behavior and analyze system performance under different load conditions. Whether you are testing a web application, API, or database, JMeter provides a comprehensive solution for identifying bottlenecks and optimizing your system.

Load Testing Using JMeter

In this guide, aimed at IT professionals, we will walk you through the process of setting up JMeter on Oracle Linux 8/8, Red Hat 8/9, and Ubuntu, and demonstrate how to perform effective performance and load testing. By following the step-by-step instructions and incorporating best practices, you will be equipped to set up JMeter, create test plans, and troubleshoot common issues to achieve accurate and reliable results. Additionally, we will discuss how to estimate the required compute resources based on the number of concurrent users to ensure efficient testing.

1. What is JMeter?

Apache JMeter is a Java-based application designed for performance and load testing. It allows you to simulate multiple users accessing a web application, REST API, or other systems to evaluate their performance under different load conditions.

JMeter supports:

  • Testing web applications, APIs, and databases
  • Integration with other tools like Jenkins for Continuous Integration
  • Graphical and CLI-based operations

2. Prerequisites for JMeter Setup

Before installing JMeter, ensure you have the following:

  • A server running Oracle Linux 8/8, Red Hat 8/9, or Ubuntu.
  • Java Development Kit (JDK) 8 or higher installed.
  • Basic knowledge of terminal commands.
  • Root or sudo privileges on the server.

Verify Java Installation

Run the following command to check if Java is installed:

java -version

If Java is not installed, install the OpenJDK package:

  • Oracle Linux / Red Hat:
    sudo yum install java-11-openjdk -y
  • Ubuntu:
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk -y

3. Installing JMeter

Step 1: Download JMeter

Visit the official Apache JMeter website to get the latest version. Alternatively, use the following command to download the binary package directly:


Replace x.x with the latest version number.

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Step 2: Install JMeter

  1. Extract the downloaded archive:
    unzip -d /opt
  2. Rename the folder for easier access:
    sudo mv /opt/apache-jmeter-x.x /opt/jmeter

Step 3: Configure Environment Variables

Add JMeter’s bin directory to the PATH environment variable:

  • Oracle Linux / Red Hat:
    echo "export PATH=/opt/jmeter/bin:$PATH" | sudo tee -a /etc/profile
    source /etc/profile
  • Ubuntu:
    echo "export PATH=/opt/jmeter/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
    source ~/.bashrc

Verify the installation:

jmeter -v

4. Configuring JMeter

Configuring JMeter properly is essential to ensure smooth performance and accurate test results. Here’s how to configure JMeter for effective testing:

Step 1: Configure Heap Memory

By default, JMeter uses limited memory, which can cause issues during large-scale testing. Increase the heap memory by editing the jmeter file:

sudo nano /opt/jmeter/bin/jmeter

Locate the following lines:

HEAP="-Xms512m -Xmx512m"

Increase the values based on your system’s resources, such as:

HEAP="-Xms2g -Xmx2g"

Step 2: Set Up Plugins (Optional)

For advanced features, you can install plugins using the JMeter Plugins Manager:

  1. Download the Plugins Manager JAR file from JMeter Plugins Manager.
  2. Place it in the lib/ext directory:
    cp jmeter-plugins-manager-x.x.jar /opt/jmeter/lib/ext
  3. Restart JMeter and access the Plugins Manager from the GUI.

Step 3: Configure Remote Testing (Optional)

For distributed testing:

  1. Open the JMeter configuration file:
    sudo nano /opt/jmeter/bin/
  2. Set the remote hosts:
  3. Start the remote server:

5. Creating a Test Plan in JMeter

A Test Plan in JMeter defines the sequence of steps and configurations for a test.

Step 1: Start JMeter GUI

Run the following command to start the GUI:


Step 2: Create a New Test Plan

  1. Add Thread Group:
    • Right-click on the Test Plan > Add > Threads (Users) > Thread Group.
    • Configure the number of users (threads), ramp-up period, and loop count. For example:
      • Number of Threads: 50
      • Ramp-Up Period: 10 seconds
      • Loop Count: 5
  2. Add Sampler:
    • Right-click on Thread Group > Add > Sampler > HTTP Request.
    • Configure the following:
      • Server Name or IP:
      • Protocol: HTTP or HTTPS
      • Port: 80 or 443
      • Path: /api/test
      • Method: GET or POST
  3. Add Listeners:
    • Right-click on Thread Group > Add > Listener > View Results Tree.
    • Add other listeners like Aggregate Report, Summary Report, and Graph Results for better visualization.
  4. Add Assertions (Optional):
    • Add Response Assertions to validate the server’s responses.
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Save the Test Plan.

6. Running Performance and Load Tests

Step 1: Run the Test Plan

  1. Open the JMeter GUI.
  2. Load your test plan.
  3. Click the green start button to begin testing.

Step 2: Analyze Test Results

  • View the results in listeners like Aggregate Report or View Results Tree.
  • Check metrics such as response time, throughput, and error percentage.

Step 3: Run Tests in CLI Mode

For larger-scale tests or headless environments, use the command-line mode:

jmeter -n -t /path/to/testplan.jmx -l /path/to/results.jtl
  • -n: Non-GUI mode
  • -t: Path to the test plan
  • -l: Path to the results file

Step 4: Generate Reports

Use the following command to generate an HTML report:

jmeter -g /path/to/results.jtl -o /path/to/report-output-folder

Step 5: Estimating Compute Resource Requirements

The resources required for JMeter depend on the number of concurrent users and the complexity of your test. As a rule of thumb:

  • Small Tests (1-100 users):
    • CPU: 2 cores
    • RAM: 4 GB
  • Medium Tests (100-500 users):
    • CPU: 4 cores
    • RAM: 8 GB
  • Large Tests (500+ users):
    • CPU: 8+ cores
    • RAM: 16+ GB

For very large-scale tests, consider using distributed testing by setting up multiple JMeter servers.

7. Best Practices for Using JMeter

  1. Use Timers:
    • Add timers to simulate realistic user behavior.
  2. Distributed Testing:
    • Use multiple slave nodes for large-scale testing.
  3. Monitor System Metrics:
    • Use tools like htop and iostat to monitor server health.
  4. Avoid Overloading:
    • Ensure JMeter’s machine is not overloaded during testing.

8. Troubleshooting Common Issues

Issue 1: JMeter Not Starting

  • Solution: Check if Java is installed and configured properly.

Issue 2: High Latency in Results

  • Solution: Optimize Thread Group settings or use distributed testing.
See also  Understanding Linux Load Average: A Beginner's Guide with Real-World Analogies

Issue 3: Errors in Results

  • Solution: Validate endpoints and ensure proper authentication.


Performance and load testing are essential to ensure the scalability and reliability of any application. Apache JMeter provides a powerful, flexible, and cost-effective solution for simulating real-world user loads and identifying bottlenecks. By following this guide, you can successfully set up JMeter, create detailed test plans, and execute performance and load tests with confidence. Remember to incorporate best practices and monitor system metrics to get accurate and actionable insights.

By using JMeter effectively, you can build robust applications that deliver seamless performance under any load condition, providing a superior user experience and boosting customer satisfaction.

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